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The sides of the ships are protected by iron plating of eight-inch thickness amidships, which is an inch more of iron than the armour possessed by the majority of our masted sea-going ironclads, many of which are twice or thrice the size of the Cyclops and her sister-ships.

Westward of the latter lay, across the mouth of the harbor proper, two more hulks, and a small squadron consisting of two ships-of-the-line and a frigate, masted, and in commission. This division was not seriously engaged, and, as a factor in the battle, may be disregarded. The northern part of this defence was decisively the stronger. To attack there, Nelson called "taking the bull by the horns."

There is a God that wields the rod Above: by him alone The Greek shall be free, when the Mede shall flee In shame from Marathon. He comes; and o'er the bright AEgean, Where his masted army came, The subject isles uplift the paean Of glory to his name. Strong Naxos, strong Ere'tria yield; His captains near the shore Of Marathon's fair and fateful field, Where a tyrant marched before.

A ketch is a sort of ship, father, though I don't quite know what sort of ship. What sort of ship is a ketch, Master Lirriper?" "A ketch is a two masted craft, Master Geoffrey," John Lirriper said. "She carries a big mizzen sail." "There, you see, father," Geoffrey said triumphantly; "she carries a big mizzen sail.