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"As I was sayin', as you might say." But there was one mark-worthy point about the congregation of the chapel; and the Duke in his shrewd way was the first to note it. "Nine out of ten of the people who attend are his own folk his carters, shepherds, milk-maids, and the like. And they don't go for what they can get. Now if I started a chapel as I'm thinkin' of doin' d'you think my people'd come?

They have no idea of the manner of its use. So when we encounter a man at once rich and simple, that is to say, who considers his wealth as a means of fulfilling his mission in the world, we should offer him our homage, for he is surely mark-worthy. He has surmounted obstacles, borne trials, and triumphed in temptations both gross and subtle.

George Cupples, wrote an article on these lectures from which, as quoted by Mr. Ireland, I borrow a single sentence, one only, but what could a critic say more? Speaking of his personal character, as revealed through his writings, he says: "In this respect, I take leave to think that Emerson is the most mark-worthy, the loftiest, and most heroic mere man that ever appeared."

George Cupples, wrote an article on these lectures from which, as quoted by Mr. Ireland, I borrow a single sentence, one only, but what could a critic say more? Speaking of his personal character, as revealed through his writings, he says: "In this respect, I take leave to think that Emerson is the most mark-worthy, the loftiest, and most heroic mere man that ever appeared."