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Who has walked through the parish of Manaton? Who is conversant with Lustleigh Cleeves and Withycombe in the moor? Who has explored Holne Chase? Gentle reader, believe me that you will be rash in contradicting me unless you have done these things. There or thereabouts I will not say by the waters of which little river it is washed is the parish of Oxney Colne.

Who has walked through the parish of Manaton? Who is conversant with Lustleigh Cleeves and Withycombe in the moor? Who has explored Holne Chase? Gentle reader, believe me that you will be rash in contradicting me, unless you have done these things. There or thereabouts I will not say by the waters of which little river it is washed is the parish of Oxney Colne.

His work is a vision of natural beauty and of human life as it might be, quickened and sweetened by the sun and the wind and the rain, and by fellowship with all the other forms of life the truest vision now being given to us, who are more in want of it than any generation has ever been. A very great writer; and to my thinking the most valuable our age possesses. September 1915 Manaton: Devon

'Most all the hay's done, an' half what's left a load or so I'd promised to a chap out Manaton way. But theer't is my hand be forced, that's all. So time's saved, if you look at it from a right point." "You'm hard an' braave, an' you've got a way with you 'mong men. Faace life, same as faither did, an' us'll look arter Phoebe an' the childer," said Chris.