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"I did not know the climate was so bad; I'm afraid I know very little about Burma; it seems so far away much farther off than India." "Yes, and a far more beautiful country a land flowing with rivers and riches, and full of charming people, who live for the day, like so many butterflies, and do no work." "Then who does work?" "The Madrassi, the Sikh, the Chinese, and, above all, the European.

Returning home late one evening Shafto was struck by the unusually impressive appearance and gestures of the fat Madrassi butler who, beckoning him aside with an air of alarming mystery, informed him that "someone was in his room waiting to see his honour." "In my room," he repeated indignantly. "Why the mischief did you put him in there? Couldn't he sit in the veranda, like other people?"

All at once a buxom ayah advanced -a stout, straight-backed Madrassi, with her black hair in a chignon, a ring in her nose, jewelled rings in her ears, wearing a handsome blue-and-gold saree, coquettishly draped round her ample form, the usual short silk bodice, or choli, and numerous heavy bangles.

Each "chum" had a room to himself, but they took their meals together in a wide, open veranda, and were catered for by a fat Madrassi butler, who did not rob them unduly, seeing that his accounts had to be inspected and passed by thrifty "Mac," who ruthlessly eliminated all imaginative items.