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As she is both the Spouse and Mother of the Light-Spark within the Æon, I have generally called her the Indivisible Queen. Mr Mead suggests that Phôsilampes may be a mystery name of Basilides.

We begin by reading it from right to left, beginning with the God "beyond Name," that is He whose being cannot be expressed by any name, Ô. We pass to the Logos, the Divine Mind, He who can be named, and His Plêrôma, A, from which is "started" the Visible World by the going forth of the "Light-Spark" or "Man," Ï. After this we read from left to right, but this is the expounding of the mystical life, the "return," under a veil of symbolism.

This is He whose work was good: He was glorified and became Father to those that believed: He became Law in Aphrêdonia and mighty. She placed in it the Light-Spark after the pattern of the Monad and placed therein the concealment which surrounds Him.

What time is to the ordinary mundane mind that Sêtheus is to the Alone-begotten and the Monad, whose ineffable union he encompasses. For he is the manifested Sun of Eternity, ☉. The Monad is the Indivisible Point within the circle or sphere, and the Light-Spark or Logos is within the Point, while Sêtheus himself is, strictly speaking, the circle or sphere, the well-known symbol of Eternity.

The Cross of Calvary was taken, by the Gnôstics, to be the outward and visible sign of a concealed or Cosmic Cross, another aspect of the "City" or Monad, upon which the Logos or Light-Spark, as the "Son of Man," or the "Man," was crucified perpetually in an ineffable manner, thus communicating His Life and Light to the Universe.

"A place of Metanoia" implies here a radical change of the whole being rather than "repentance" as ordinarily understood. The "topos" of Autogênes, the Self-begotten, was the first station of the journey of the Light-Spark without the Plêrôma, and is the last station of the return within. Their names are Harmozel, Ôroiaêl, Daveithi, and Èlêlêth.

And they, beholding the light of the Spark, rejoiced and uttered myriads and myriads of praises in honour of Sêtheus and of the Light-Spark which was manifested, seeing that in it were all their images, and they fashioned the Spark among themselves as a Man light-giving and true. They named Him "Pantomorphos," and Pure, and Unshakable, and all the eternities also called him "All-powered."