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Mr Smith got the M.C., and Lance-Sergeant J. Valentine and Private W. Roger the D.C.M. for that night's work. The Brigade was then due for relief, but we wanted to finish the job of straightening the line before we went, so we stayed on to the end of the month, by which time the work was practically complete.

But the hand of Allah intervened and Ibrahim the Weeper lived and died stone blind.... A strange man that poor brother of mine, strong save when his foreign blood and foreign religion arose like poison within him and made him weak.... There was the case of the English Sergeant Larnce-Ishmeet whom he spared and sent into the English lines in the little Border War." "Lance-Sergeant Smith?

As the fall set in camp was broken up, and my regiment was to occupy the west block of the permanent barracks, and my reward for the part I had taken during the drill season was promotion to the rank of lance-sergeant, and to my great delight I was occasionally called upon to instruct a squad of recruits.

I had risen through the several gradations of lance-corporal to full lance-sergeant to full drill-corporal drill-sergeant pay-sergeant and troop-sergeant-major without being once confined, or on any occasion reprimanded by a superior officer.

Lance-Sergeant Philip Smith, on the 18th June, after the column had retired from the assault, repeatedly returned under a heavy fire, and brought in his wounded comrades. Several acts of coolness, similar to that recorded of Captain Esmonde, were performed.