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Quoth Ed Denef, 'What ails thee, O Aslan? And he answered, 'I know now for certain that I am the son of Alaeddin Abou esh Shamat and I would have thee avenge me of my father's murderer. 'And who was thy father's murderer? asked Ed Denef. 'Ahmed Kemakim the arch- thief, replied Aslan.

Presently, as she sat at home, lamenting over her son, there came in to her an old woman, known as the mother of Ahmed Kemakim the arch-thief, a knave who would bore through the stoutest wall and scale the highest and steal the very kohl from the eye.

What hath befallen him? So Khatoun told her the whole story, and she said, 'What wouldst thou say of him who should find means to save thy son? 'And what wilt thou do? asked the lady. Quoth the old woman, 'I have a son called Ahmed Kemakim the arch-thief, who lies chained in prison, and on his fetters is written, "Appointed to remain till death."

Then tell him all that passed between thee and Ahmed Kemakim and say, "O Commander of the Faithful, order him to be searched and I will bring the lantern forth of his bosom." 'I hear and obey, answered Aslan and returning to the Amir Khalid, found him making ready to repair to the Divan and said to him, 'I would fain have thee arm and harness me like thyself and carry me to the Divan. So he equipped him and carried him to the Divan, with Ahmed Kemakim at his stirrup.