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"Mithter Jaggerth! Half a moment! My hown cuthen'th gone to Mithter Wemmick at thith prethent minute, to hoffer him hany termth. Mithter Jaggerth! Half a quarter of a moment! If you'd have the condethenthun to be bought off from the t'other thide at hany thuperior prithe! money no object! Mithter Jaggerth Mithter !"

There was a red-eyed little Jew who came into the Close while I was loitering there, in company with a second little Jew whom he sent upon an errand; and while the messenger was gone, I remarked this Jew, who was of a highly excitable temperament, performing a jig of anxiety under a lamp-post and accompanying himself, in a kind of frenzy, with the words, "O Jaggerth, Jaggerth, Jaggerth! all otherth ith Cag-Maggerth, give me Jaggerth!"

The suitor, kissing the hem of the garment again before relinquishing it, replied, "Habraham Latharuth, on thuthpithion of plate." "You're too late," said Mr. Jaggers. "I am over the way." "Holy father, Mithter Jaggerth!" cried my excitable acquaintance, turning white, "don't thay you're again Habraham Latharuth!" "I am," said Mr. Jaggers, "and there's an end of it. Get out of the way."

No one remained now but the excitable Jew, who had already raised the skirts of Mr. Jaggers's coat to his lips several times. "I don't know this man!" said Mr. Jaggers, in the same devastating strain: "What does this fellow want?" "Ma thear Mithter Jaggerth. Hown brother to Habraham Latharuth?" "Who's he?" said Mr. Jaggers. "Let go of my coat."