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They were promenading in the forest. They alighted from their richly caparisoned horses, held them by the bridle, and walked slowly. One of them said to the other: 'King Lothaire was poisoned last year by his wife Imma and her lover, the archbishop of Laon ... but there is Louis left, Lothaire's son ... Louis the Do-nothing.

That is the end of the story of the Greek king, and now let us return to the fisherman and the genius. "If the Greek king," said the fisherman, "had spared the physician, he would not have thus died. The same thing applies to you. Now I am going to throw you into the sea." "My friend," said the genius, "do not do such a cruel thing. Do not treat me as Imma treated Ateca."

The two continued their journey and upon arriving at Windeck they were agreeably surprised in the lord of the castle, for he was young and handsome and very courteous, not at all the ogre they had imagined. In faltering tones Imma told him their mission, conveyed to him the old witch’s warning, and presented the grey hen.

"Do you believe Imma guilty of the crime?" "I believe what I see." "And when you do not see?" "Doubt is then natural." "Do you know that in that murder Queen Imma's accomplice was her lover Adalberon, bishop of Laon?" "It was a great scandal to the church!" "After the poisoning of Lothaire, the Queen and the bishop, finally delivered from the eyes of her husband, indulged their love more freely."

Finally, a tremor shook her frame, she raised her head, as if struck by a sudden thought, and curbing her emotions she asked: "Do you believe that King Lothaire, the father of my husband Louis, died of poison in March of last year?" "I believe he was poisoned." "Do you believe that Imma, his wife, was guilty of poisoning her husband?" "She is accused of the crime."