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Or lastly, in what circumstance is the Phascolotherium more embryonic, or of a more generalised type, than the modern Opossum; or a Lophiodon, or a Paloeotherium, than a modern Tapirus or Hyrax?

Manning appeared just at the end of the afternoon's work, and the biologist was going through some perplexities the Scotchman had created by a metaphysical treatment of the skulls of Hyrax and a young African elephant.

Or lastly, in what circumstance is the Phascolotherium more embryonic, or of a more generalized type, than the modern Opossum; or a Lophiodon, or a Palæotherium, than a modern Tapirus or Hyrax?

So is the Hyrax or "damian" of the Cape, and also the very ancient Plagiaulax from the præ-chalk Purbeck clay. But perhaps the best case for comparison with the ruminants is that of the rhinoceroses. There are a great many species and even genera of fossil and recent rhinoceroses.

Putting it interrogatively, we may ask, How is it that the hyrax, whose "anatomical structure proves it to be a rhinoceros," is not a rhinoceros in habits, appearance, nor, in fact, in anything but the shape of its bones?

At the foot a "Baune" or Hyrax Abyssinicus, resembling the Coney of Palestine , was observed at its favourite pastime of sunning itself upon the rocks.

This was as remarkable a sound as any animal sound to which I have listened, except only the batrachian-like wailing of the tree hyrax in East Africa; and like the East African mammal this South American insect has a voice, or rather utters a sound which, so far as it resembles any other animal sound, at the beginning remotely suggests batrachian affinities.