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A ram and a bull and a boar, the mate of swine. Twelve noble sons he slew, the sons of Troy, and of nine dogs he casts two on the pyre, in order to leave for himself seven. The old man spoke reproachfully; at his words Uprose nine warriors. At nine seasons old they were of breadth nine cubits, and nine fathoms in height. Nine days the heavenly Archer on the troops hurl'd his dread shafts.

The bleak wind of March Made her tremble and shiver; But not the dark arch Of the black flowing river; Mad from life's history, Glad to death's mystery, Swift to be hurl'd Any where, any where Out of the world! In she plunged boldly, No matter how coldly The rough river ran Over the brink of it, Picture it think of it, Dissolute Man! Owning her weakness, Her evil behaviour!

Dear as thou art to my soul, let it never be mine to behold thee Under his chastising hand, for, however my will might incline me, Service were none the Olympian's grasp is not easy to strive with. Once on a time my resistance avail'd not, when seizing me tightly, Here by the foot, I was hurl'd sheer down from the heavenly threshold!

Hurl'd out into exile from the land I adore, My future all dark and no refuge to seek; My roseate dreams hover round me once more, Sole treasures of all that life to me bore; The faiths of youth that with sincerity speak.