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All I meant that if you give me such a high-price present when I get married, that's all the more reason why we should give a high-price present to a customer what we will make money on. I ain't no customer, Abe." "I know you ain't," said Abe. "You're only a partner, and I don't make no money on you, neither." Morris shrugged his shoulders.

His customers, gentle and simple, were more select than numerous, and in another six months the high-price man failed just as the low-price man had failed before him. Their successor, Mr. Joseph Hanson, claimed to unite in his own person the several merits of both his antecedents.

In the first place, all it is costing you is ten cents and you feel like a prince. Many a big bill of goods I sold on zwieback and coffee, Sidney crackers and milk, too. And now, Sidney, the best thing you could do is to go back and tell the old man you are through with auction pinocle and high-price lunches, and you want him he should give you a show you should sell goods."

Bramson went on; "but if it wasn't you it was your partner there, that Mawruss Perlmutter. Yesterday I seen him up to the Heatherbloom Inn, Abe, and I assure you, Abe, I was never before in my life in such a high-price place coffee and cake, Abe, believe me, one dollar and a quarter." He paused to let the information sink in. "But what could I do?" he asked.