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As they sped along, Geraldine pointed out imprints of fox and rabbit, faint trails where a field-mouse had passed, the string of henlike footprints recording the deliberate progress of some ruffed grouse picking its leisurely way across the snow; the sharp, indented marks of squirrels.

That was the burden of the grief with which I sobbed myself to sleep on the first night after our arrival. Mother felt dubious of her husband's ability to make a living off a thousand acres, half of which were fit to run nothing but wallabies, but father was full of plans, and very sanguine concerning his future. He was not going to squat henlike on his place as the cockies around him did.

Here I had painted through a prolific summer of my youth, and I was glad to find as I had hoped nothing changed; for the place was dear to me. The simile is grotesque; but Amedee is the most henlike waiter in France. He is a white-haired, fat old fellow, always well-shaved; as neat as a billiard-ball.

In repeating the above dialogue I have tried to give the impression which it made on me, that Parkins was something of an old woman rather henlike, perhaps, in his little ways; totally destitute, alas! of the sense of humour, but at the same time dauntless and sincere in his convictions, and a man deserving of the greatest respect.