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Pensioners, who were accustomed to firearms, were hired for the occasion; but the weapon chiefly used was a short scythe, and men may still be found bearing its mark in contracted legs and arms: one man having Tim Halisy, his mark; another, Paddy Murphy, his mark, indelibly inscribed on his body. They had little or no agriculture no wheeled cart, and scarcely even a spade.

As quick as lightning, the point of Calhoun’s sword reached his heart, and the combat was over. During this time Tribble had vanquished his antagonist. The remaining Federal, seeing one of his comrades dead and the other a prisoner, threw down his sword and surrendered. The dead officer proved to be Colonel D. J. Halisy of the Sixth Kentucky cavalry.

By punishments of various kinds transporting the most hardened, and sending others to the treadmill the people were at length brought into some sort of order. Tim Halisy was Mr C 's right-hand man his manager, sub-agent, &c.: he was rich in cows and sheep; and though rather advanced in life, he married a very young girl, who had a fortune of forty cows.

This conflict was long remembered as one of the most remarkable ever engaged in by any of Morgan’s men, and Calhoun was warmly congratulated by the whole command on his prowess. The death of Colonel Halisy seemed to dampen the enthusiasm of Morgan’s pursuers. Although they followed him to Campbellsville, and from Campbellsville to Columbia, the pursuit was a feeble one.