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H. had a reputation as a wit, of the kind that "has her say" under any and all circumstances. Latterly she had rather taken up Milly Ridge, who fished in many pools. "So you and your young man had a falling out, Milly," Mrs. Haggenash rasped nasally. "Our engagement has been broken," Milly acknowledged with dignity. "That's a pity. It ain't every day a poor girl can marry a millionaire.

Meeting Milly on the street she congratulated the girl heartily, "And, my dear, you'll have such an interesting life you'll know lots of clever people and do unconventional things, be free, you know, as WE are not".... But Mrs. Jonas Haggenash remarked when some one told her the news, "The little fool! Now she's gone and done it."

Milly had a pleasant sense of returning to old ideals and ties in thus drawing near once more to the Kemps, whom latterly she had found a trifle dull.... Leaving the house, she bumped into old Mrs. Jonas Haggenash, one of the Kemps' neighbors. The Haggenashes had made their way in lumber and were among the most considered of the older, unfashionable people in the city. Mrs.

Milly always managed to have a becoming street dress and hat, even in her poorest days, and lately she had let herself out, as the pile of unopened bills on her dressing-table would show. "I expect to eat and dress," Milly retorted, and trotted off with a curse near her lips for Mrs. Jonas Haggenash and all her tribe.