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Barkany's cook, came to him with the request that he would write a letter for her to a friend at Gyongos. "Well, well, little one," said the scribe, "so Love's arrow has reached you at last!" "Heaven preserve me!" cried the girl, "he is not named Love, but Mendel Sucher, and he has never drawn a bow in his life."

Schonberg, to permit him to quit his service. "What is the matter with you?" cried Schonberg. "Why do you wish to leave? Do you want more wages?" "No, no, Mr. Schonberg, that is not the reason. But but I can stay no longer here at Gyongos, I must go to Hort." "To Hort? What is the reason of that?" For reply the dazed fellow held out the letter for him to read.

Mendel Sucher received the missive the following day, and as his scholarship was as limited as Gutel's, he forthwith sought out Saul Wahl, a lawyer's clerk at Gyongos, likewise a member of the same erotic profession as the bookbinder of Hort. Wahl read Kalimann's letter to the smiling recipient with such pathos that Mendel was completely overcome.

Placing twenty kreutzers on the table, the happy swain begged the clerk to write as finely turned a letter to Gutel as the one she had sent him. Saul, who had at a glance recognized Kalimann's calligraphy, said to himself: "It will go hard with me but I will show the bookbinder that they know how to write letters at Gyongos, and can also quote from the classic authors."