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He drew the back of his forefinger nervously across his brow in a gesture that was habitual with him in moments of mental stress. "The gravitation-screen generators, sir," he said. "Number one went to the bad about an hour and a half ago. We have been working upon it steadily since; but I have to report, sir, that it is beyond repair." "Number two will keep us supplied," I answered.

With the subsistence of the sea, we were able to go to work upon the damaged engines to some effect, and I also set men to examining the gravitation-screen generators with a view to putting them in working order should it prove not beyond our resources. For two weeks we labored at the engines, which indisputably showed evidence of having been tampered with.

It might not have been in any way his fault, as, in the case of the Coldwater, it could not possibly have been justly charged to my account that the gravitation-screen generators were worthless; but well I knew that should chance have it that we were blown across thirty today as we might easily be before the terrific west wind that we could hear howling below us, the responsibility would fall upon my shoulders.

Only that morning, Lieutenant Johnson had told me that he feared that it would be impossible to repair the generators. I had put him in charge of this work, since he always had been accounted one of the best gravitation-screen men in the navy.