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They were thieves, as I have said, but one was more audacious than the others. He would come into my open house at daybreak, and perch on my body, and awaken me pecking at imaginary ticks. He picked up a small compass by its chain and flew away with it. This particular wretch had learned to speak a little, and would say, "Ia ora na oe!" sharply, but with a decided grackle accent.

"I don't know what that treatment might do for them," laughed the Doctor; "but if you will agree to feed them I will give you the oil and licorice!" And then Dodo laughed at herself. The Purple Grackle Length twelve to thirteen and a half inches. Male: glossy black, with soap-bubble tints on the head, back, tail, and wings, and yellow iris.

Creaker the Grackle with the sun shining on him was truly beautiful. His head and neck, his throat and upper breast, were a shining blue-black, while his back was a rich, shining brassy-green. His wings and tail were much like his head and neck. As Peter watched it seemed as if the colors were constantly changing. This changing of colors is called iridescence.

Robins, flame-breasted in the glow, a black-throated green warbler blossom of the night a purple grackle, its boat-tail stiff as a fan-shaped rudder, and, "leggeddy-last," a cawing crow, they circled on low wing after the brilliant torch, all pecking at the wonder in the air!

A Chinese woman passing looks for all the world like a black and iridescent purple grackle in her shiny black coat and shiny black pants and shiny black shoes and shiny black hair, although the grackle has a prouder strut than her dancing little trot. "To keep a few friends and those without capitulation." Where, oh where, do all the men come from who lie stretched out on the grass?