United States or Saint Pierre and Miquelon ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

They varied in date from the reign of Elizabeth to that of George I. A strong family likeness pervaded them all, high features, dark hair, grave aspects, save indeed one, a Sir Ralph Haughton Darrell, in a dress that spoke him of the holiday date of Charles II., all knots, lace, and ribbons; evidently the beau of the race; and he had blue eyes, a blonde peruke, a careless profligate smile, and looked altogether as devil-me-care, rakehelly, handsome, good-for-nought, as ever swore at a drawer, beat a watchman, charmed a lady, terrified a husband, and hummed a song as he pinked his man.

"Taking a rest," I thought, "after her long watching and nursing over a good-for-nought like me! Ah, well! I shall breakfast first then I shall pay my respects and ask forgiveness of the lady for 'the things I have done that I ought not to have done, and all will be well." I hurried over that porridge, and bacon and eggs.

Then they fell to kneading him, till sleep overcame him and he dreamt that he had a girl in his arms. So he kissed her and set her between his thighs; then, clipping her as a man clips a woman, took his yard in his hand and was about to have at her, when he heard one saying to him, 'Awake, thou good-for-nought!

The Lord be praised for all His mercies!" "Well said, my sister. And what do you intend to make of your little maid here?" "Marry, I intend to make a good worker of her," said Agnes in her turn, "and not an idle giggling good-for-nought, as most of the lasses be.

He comes from Hordle, and this is his mother who hath come forth to welcome him." "You rammucky lurden," she was howling, with a blow between each catch of her breath, "you shammocking, yaping, over-long good-for-nought. I will teach thee! I will baste thee! Aye, by my faith!"