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The driver of the freight-team has a young wildcat aboard, half starved, haggard, and crazed with captivity. He stops, and pulls out his wretched pet. The cow-boys stop; everybody stops; they make a ring, while the dogs of the ferry-house are invited to step up and examine for themselves. The little cat spits and rages at the end of its blood-stained rope.

The picturesque blocks and cables in the foreground have hopelessly changed position, and continue changing; but she consoles herself by making marginal notes of the passengers returning by the boat, a six-horse freight-team from Silver City, and a band of horses driven by two realistic cow-boys from anywhere.

They were trailing out the boundary of one man's endurance, against fatigue, starvation, and the hatred of his kind. Barger had been at his work once more, slaying and robbing for his needs. He had killed a Piute trailer, put upon his tracks; he had robbed a stage, three private travelers, and a freight-team loaded with provisions.

Far, far away, a mere speck on the road, he beheld a freight-team approaching a team of twenty animals at least, that he and Bostwick must encounter. A sudden memory of road conditions decided him to move. The ruts where he was were bad enough they were worse where the team must be passed. He did not reduce his speed to take to the brush.