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Dynamo, seeing the end of his picnic at hand, galloped awkwardly a few rods, the branch trailing from his mouth. Then, with the ponderous but sudden shift of bull psychology, indignation rose in his bosom. He stopped himself so short that his fore-hoofs plowed two long furrows in the soft earth; whirled, lifted his muzzle, and bellowed. One fore-hoof tore up the dirt and showered it over his back.

The dead giraffe measured 16 feet 9 inches from his right fore-hoof to the top of his head, and was one of the largest size, though some have been found to measure over 17 feet. He was spotted all over with large black, nearly round, patches. I left Khamisi in charge of the dead beast, while I returned to camp to send off men to cut it up, and convey the meat to our village.

Then he lifted his right fore-hoof; still the squealing went on. 'Thinks I, said the horse to himself, 'it must be my right hind-hoof, so he lifted that.

How about it?" and a musical laugh floated out from between the pretty lips. The colt raised his head, whinnied aloud as though in denial and stamped one deer-like, unshod fore-hoof as though to emphasize his protest; then he again slid his head back into the arms as if their slender roundness encompassed all his little world.