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"But there was no way to go to the white man's country," said Zilla. "Did he not go down to the salt lake that is big as the sky?" Ebbits demanded. "And there was no way for him across the salt lake," said Zilla. "Save in the white man's fire-boat which is of iron and is bigger than twenty steamboats on the Yukon," said Ebbits.

He scowled at Zilla, whose withered lips were again writhing into speech, and compelled her to silence. "But the white man would not let him cross the salt lake in the fire-boat, and he returned to sit by the fire and hunger for the country under the sun where there is no snow." "Yet on the salt lake had he seen the fire-boat of iron that did not sink," cried out Zilla the irrepressible.

At daybreak, I was aroused by the crew getting up the anchor: in a few minutes, the head of the 'fire-boat, as my dusky neighbours termed it, was turned down the coast, and on we went, steaming, smoking, and splashing, after the most orthodox fashion of fire-boats in general. I had now time and opportunity to look around me.

I explained that it was a fire-boat testing her hose-lines, and then as we moved into the channel I gained courage, and found myself pointing out the Statue of Liberty, Governors Island, and the Brooklyn Bridge. The fact that it was a stranger who was talking did not seem to disturb her.