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"Faustine, Fragoletta, Dolores, Felise, and Yolande, and Juliette." Cambridge, which he was soon to leave, did not satisfy the poet. Oxford did not satisfy Gibbon, or later, Shelley; and young men of genius are not, in fact, usually content with universities which, perhaps, are doing their best, but are neither governed nor populated by minds of the highest and most original class.

But I recall quite clearly the door left just a-jar, and how as I opened it gently I would see first of all the lamp upon your dressing-table, turned down almost to extinction, and the glowing dust upon its glass shade. Is it not strange that our exceeding wickedness should have resulted in nothing save the memory of dust upon a lamp chimney? Yet you were very handsome, Felise.

He had often wondered what had become of this large brown woman; had wondered if he were really the first man for whom she had put a deceit upon her husband; and had wondered what sort of person Madame Felise de Puysange had been in reality. "Two months it was that we played at intimacy, was it not, Felise? You comprehend, my dear, I really remember very little about you.

Félise is quite young again, and she and Lulu have great games, tearing up and down and around the decks as hard as they can go. Sunday, November 19th. I am convalescent at last, and appeared at breakfast this morning for the first time for ten days. The wind was very variable throughout the day.