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"Yes, yes, I remember that he received a legacy from a relation shortly before he left Knaresborough. He had very delicate health at that time: has he grown stronger with increasing years?" "He does not complain of ill health. And pray, was he then of the same austere and blameless habits of life that he now professes?" 'Quem casto erudit docta Minerva sinu.

I., p. 87, note, gives the following list of those who have maintained the theory of two Simons: Vitringa, Observ. Sacrar., v. 12, § 9, p. 159, C.A. Heumann, Acta Erudit. Lips. for April, A.D. 1727, p. 179, and Is. de Beausobre, Diss. sur l'Adamites, pt. ii. subjoined to L'Enfants' Histoire de la Guerre des Hussites, i. 350, etc. Dr. Christ. Biog., art. "Helena," Vol. Dr. Salmon's art.

By Mark Pattison, late Rector of Lincoln College, Oxford. London, 1885. Critics have spoken of his learning, but the description is only relatively accurate. Of him, in this respect, we may say, what he said of Erasmus. 'Erasmus, though justly styled by Muretus, eruditus sane vir ac multæ lectionis, was not a learned man in the special sense of the word not an érudit. He was the man of letters.

"Yes, yes, I remember that he received a legacy from a relation shortly before he left Knaresborough. He had very delicate health at that time: has he grown stronger with increasing years?" "He does not complain of ill health. And pray, was he then of the same austere and blameless habits of life that he now professes?" 'Quem casto erudit docta Minerva sinu.