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Hu Dra understood but little of the harangue, but being a pious Buddhist, having once climbed the Holy Mountain to gain merit, and being in the hands of a strong man armed, he accepted the fate of the moment. Meekly he followed Tim to the spot where the horses had been left, and was hoisted into the saddle and manacled. It was all a dreadful mystery, but he was sage enough to accept hard facts.

The second illustration gives a nearer view of the great trilithon gate in the upper court, at the head of the ramp. The long hill of Dra' Abu-'l-Negga is seen bending away northward behind the gate. Of The Xviiith Dynasty Temple At Dêk El-Bahari. About 1500 B.C.

Three days later the travel-stained pair arrived at Cooktown, where Hu Dra henceforth to be known officially and authoritatively, and in spite of all protest, as Tsing Hi was duly consigned to the custody of the lock-up keeper, to await escort to the town where his sentence was to be served. "He's that quare in his hid," Tim informed Jock Egan, who now had charge.

He also paid through an agent a weekly levy to Tsing Hi, which he understood purchased the tolerance, if not goodwill, under all and every circumstance of the dreaded police and the populace generally. It was a tax; but Hu Dra was patient under such exactions, as all his ancestors had been.