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I don't; an', wots more," added Jo, with tremendous decision, "I won't!" At this point, the "sciencrific dolusion" recurred to her former idea of alarming the settlement; and with this view began to retrace her steps, howling as she went. Of course, as Jo and his small companion had been guided by her footsteps, it followed that Poopy, in retracing them, gradually drew near to the terrified pair.

I don't; an', wots more," added Jo, with tremendous decision, "I won't!" At this point, the "sciencrific dolusion" recurred to her former idea of alarming the settlement; and with this view began to retrace her steps, howling as she went. Of course, as Jo and his small companion had been guided by her footsteps, it followed that Poopy, in retracing them, gradually drew near to the terrified pair.

I told ye it was a sciencrific dolusion; though, I'm bound for to confess, I never heerd o' von o' them critters speakin', no more than the ghosts. Howsomedever, that's wot it is." Corrie, who still hesitated, and held himself in readiness to bolt at a moment's notice, suddenly cried: "Why! I do believe it's No; it can't be yes I say, it's Poopy."

I told ye it was a sciencrific dolusion; though, I'm bound for to confess, I never heer'd o' von o' them critters speakin', no more than the ghosts. Howsomedever, that's wot it is." Corrie, who still hesitated, and held himself in readiness to bolt at a moment's notice, suddenly cried "Why, I do believe it's No: it can't be yes I say, it's Poopy!"