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To this conclusion, let me repeat, I am drawn by no sentiment for that unsentimental Prince, ‘gentle King Jamie.’ He was not the man to tell the truth, ‘if he could think of anything better.’ But, where other corroboration is impossible, by the nature of the circumstances, facts corroborate the King’s narrative. His version ‘colligates’ them; though extravagant they become not incoherent.

Thus the lines of magnetic force are continually before his eyes, by their aid he colligates his facts, and through the inspirations derived from them he vastly expands the boundaries of our experimental knowledge. The beauty and exactitude of the results of this investigation are extraordinary.

This hypothesis at least 'colligates the facts, and brings them into intelligible relationship with widely-diffused savage institutions and myths. The Greek Mouse-totem? My theory connecting Apollo Smintheus and the place-names derived from mice with a possible prehistoric mouse-totem gave me, I confess, considerable satisfaction. But in Mr.

No other hypothesis 'colligates the facts. What Harrison knew, why his absence was essential, we cannot hope to discover. But he never was a captive in 'famed Turkee. Mr. But a motive for keeping Harrison out of the way is only hard to seek because we do not know the private history of his neighbours.

The conception is often even got by abstraction from the facts which it colligates; but also when it is a hypothesis, borrowed from strange phenomena, it still is accepted as true only because found actually, and as a fact, whatever the origin of the knowledge of the fact, to fit and to describe as a whole the separate observations.