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James had likewise received intimation from the double-dealing Miss Pratt; and a warning note was despatched to the duchess to let her grace know that circumstances had occurred which had rendered it impossible not to ask the Clonbronies.

Lady Clonbrony makes it such a point with me, that I believe I must look in upon her for a few minutes. They are going to a prodigious expense on this occasion. Soho tells me the reception rooms are all to be new furnished, and in the most magnificent style." "At what a famous rate those Clonbronies are dashing on," said colonel Heathcock. "Up to any thing."

"Who are they? these Clonbronies, that one hears of so much of late?" said her grace of Torcaster. "Irish absentees, I know. But how do they support all this enormous expense?" "The son will have a prodigiously fine estate when some Mr. Quin dies," said Mrs. Dareville. "Yes, every body who comes from Ireland will have a fine estate when somebody dies," said her grace.

Soho tells me the reception rooms are all to be new furnished, and in the most magnificent style. 'At what a famous rate those Clonbronies are dashing on, said Colonel Heathcock. 'Up to anything. 'Who are they? these Clonbronies, that one hears of so much of late' said her Grace of Torcaster. 'Irish absentees I know. But how do they support all this enormous expense?