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No doubt he will be posing as the girl's deliverer. He doesn't know that Chigmok has survived. He doesn't know that I am here to get Chigmok's story; and whilst he can hardly have been unaware of your sledge following the trail of Chigmok, it is not the least likely that he associates it with you. Probably he is under the idea that it formed part of Chigmok's outfit.

Again the flicker of doubt came in Ainley's eyes, and in the glow of the firelight, Helen saw a look of apprehension come on his face. It was there for but a moment, then it was gone, but in that moment the girl had seen deeply into Ainley's heart, and knew that fear was rapidly mounting there. "Ah! you also followed Chigmok's trail, I suppose. But I was there first.

The others also sat watching him, all except Helen who had withdrawn to the shadow of the wood, and was walking restlessly to and fro, unable to witness further the downfall of a man whom she had known so well. For a moment there was silence, then Anderton spoke. "Would you like to hear Chigmok's story, Ainley?" "There is no need that I should," answered Ainley with a bitter, hopeless laugh.

The attack on the cabin, was that man who captured me that man Chigmok was he the inspirer of that?" "I am afraid not!" "Then it was Gerald Ainley who was to pay the price for me that the half-breed told me of, and that is why he collapsed so utterly when Chigmok came along just now?" "Yes," answered Stane, simply. "But why did he shoot down Chigmok's party?"