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There was a ripple of exclamations at this, mixed with laughter, for Hinpoha's fondness for conversation was well known. "Laugh all you want to," she said, "but I'll prove to you that I can do it." The Captain chose the spot for his retirement and on the first day after he was released from Chiefhood he paddled across to the mainland taking his blankets and water, but no food.

Evans one, to hang over the door of their tents as a symbol of Chiefhood, "because pine was the chief thing to be found on Ellen's Isle." Mr. and Mrs. Evans accepted the branches gravely, and took their places at the end of the rock reserved for the Chiefs. Then Mr. Evans announced that there was something special to be brought before the Council.

These latter will be announced at the Council Meetings. Needless to say, the Chiefs will do no menial labor during the week of their Chiefhood. Is that a fair proposition all the way around?" "It surely is!" they all cried together. "Hurray for the tribe of Chiefs!"

That night was Council Meeting on the big rock on the bluff. It was the end of Uncle Teddy's and Aunt Clara's Chiefhood, and the reins of government were to fall into the hands of Mr. and Mrs. Evans. After much beating of the tom-tom, Uncle Teddy presented Mr. Evans with a pine branch and Aunt Clara gave Mrs.