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He carried his camp-kettle back to the house, set it down, and making some excuse, set off for the Sutler's shop. "Le'me see your best paper and envelopes," he said to the pirate who had license to fleece the volunteers. "Awfully common trash," said Shorty, looking over the assortment disdainfully, for he wanted something superlatively fine for his letter.

They do their own cooking in the rudest and fewest possible vessels, often not having a single plate or knife and fork, other than their pocket knife, but gather around the camp-kettle in true Indian style, and with a piece of bread in one hand, proceed to fish up a piece of 'sow belly, and dine sumptuously, not forgetting to stow away one or more quarts of the strongest coffee imaginable, without sugar or cream.

Why we didn't call the children in when the chickens went to roost, undress 'em, and tuck 'em in their little beds, and sing to 'em after they'd said 'Now I lay me down to sleep? I stood it all until that big, hulking Pete Nasmith came down with a camp-kettle, which he was making ring like a bell, as he yelled out, 'Child lost!