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While he continued in his post, the Hessian forces and those of Liege, amounting to about eighteen thousand men, separated from the army and passed the Meuse at Naimir; then the king returned to the Hague, leaving the command to prince Waldeck, who forthwith removed to Leuse, and on the twentieth day of the month began his march to Cambron.

Luxembourg, who watched his motions with a curious eye, found means to attack him in his retreat so suddenly that his rear was surprised and defeated, though the French were at last obliged to retire. The prince continued his route to Cambron, and in a little time both armies retired into winter quarters.

It was after midnight when the party rode past the Church of the Cristo de la Vega, and faced the long hill that leads to the gate Del Cambron. Above them towered the city of Toledo silent and dreamlike. Concepcion had ceased singing now, and the hard breathing of the horses alone broke the silence.

Edward W. Hazlett of Wheeling; Mrs. I. N. Smith, Mrs. Harold Ritz and Mrs. A. M. Finney of Charleston; Miss Harriet Schroeder of Grafton. The organizers, who often were speakers also, not elsewhere mentioned, were Misses Adella Potter, Eleanor Furman, Alice Riggs Hunt, Lola Walker, Josephine Casey, Lola Trax, Grace Cole, Eleanor Raoul, Mrs. C. E. Martin, Mrs. W. J. Cambron, Mrs.