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It was well that he did so, for at that moment the grinding sounds became quite perceptible, waxed louder, and then like lightning from a cloud, a row of curved swordblades shot out of slots in the stone-work which the men had not previously noticed, and swept together for all the world like a pair of calliper legs.

It was an insect of considerable size, being full an inch in length, with an elongated oval body, and a small flat head. From the head protruded two great horny jaws, that bore some resemblance to a pair of calliper compasses. Its legs were short and very unfitted for motion.

'Blessed be the English and all they make or do. Cursed be the Hereticks who doubt that this is true! 'Amen, quo' Jobson, 'but where I mean to die Is neither rule nor calliper to judge the matter by: 'But Himalaya heavenward-heading, sheer and vast, sheer and vast, In a million summits bedding on the last world's past; A certain sacred mountain where the scented cedars climb, And the feet of my Beloved hurrying back through Time!

Wallace also speaks of the rare and beautiful butterflies which he captured here. In particular he secured a specimen of the calliper butterfly, "remarkable for having on each hind wing two curved tails like a pair of callipers." It is in this neighbourhood that the large Javan wood-pigeons which I saw at Tji Wangi are to be found.

It was an insect of considerable size, being full an inch in length, with an elongated oval body, and a small flat head. From the head protruded two great horny jaws, that bore some resemblance to a pair of calliper compasses. Its legs were short and very unfitted for motion.

In the dark the Kingsdown coxswain put his lifeboat into the surf on the Goodwins; it was heavy, but they got through it safely, and found on the off-part of the Goodwins, towards its southern end known as the South Calliper a large steamship aground. She proved to be the Sorrento, bound from the Mediterranean to Lynn.