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The new pastor fully expected his congregation to give him "absent treatment," but instead, the audience grew folks even came over from Boston to hear the boy-preacher. His sermons were carefully written, and dealt in the simple, every-day lessons of life.

To Starr King this world is paradise enow; it's the best place of which we know, and the way for man to help himself is to try and make it a better place. There is a flavor of Theodore Parker in those early sermons, a trace of Thoreau and much tincture of Emerson and all this was to the credit of the boy-preacher. His woman's mind absorbed things.

President Anthon H. Lund came from Denmark. He was born in the city of Aalborg in that far-away country May 14, 1844. Many interesting stories are told of him as a boy-preacher of the gospel in his native land. When he was called upon to give his first report at conference he was lifted upon a table that he might be better seen and heard.

He went out of the chapel saved, and soon became known as C. H. Spurgeon, the boy-preacher. The parsonage at Epworth, England, caught fire one night, and all the inmates were rescued except one son. The boy came to a window, and was brought safely to the ground by two farm-hands, one standing on the shoulder of the other. The boy was John Wesley.