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She meant to marry him to a demoiselle d'Aiglemont with a fortune of twelve thousand francs a year; to whose hand the name of Portenduere and the farm at Bordieres enabled him to pretend. This narrow but judicious plan, which would have carried the family to a second generation, was already balked by events.

The evening of the day on which this was finally settled he went to see Zelie, whom he knew to be puzzled as to how to invest her money, and proposed to sell her the farm at Bordieres for two hundred and twenty thousand francs. "I'd buy it at once," said Minoret, "if I were sure the Portendueres would go and live somewhere else." "Why?" said the justice of peace.

The abbe is to dine with her; no doubt she wants to talk to him about her troubles. Well, I'll go and see your uncle to-night and persuade him to sell his five per cent consols, which are now at 118, and lend Madame de Portenduere, on the security of her farm at Bordieres and her house here, enough to pay the debts of the prodigal son.

"Our dear abbe has told you that the viscount is in prison on account of some youthful debts, a hundred thousand francs or so. If you could lend them to him I would secure you on my farm at Bordieres." "We will talk of that, madame, when I have brought your son back to you if you will allow me to be your emissary in the matter."

"They intend to sue in the matter and get your farm at Bordieres. The best way for you would be to make a voluntary sale of it and so escape costs." This dreadful news broke down the old lady.