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I often went to see him, for I couldn't get him out of my head; but he was always drunk. At last he couldn't stay there any longer, and disappeared, and then we heard that he was in Nordland, playing Hell among the rocks at Blaaholt. He helped himself to whatever he wanted at the nearest place he could find it, and knocked people down for nothing at all.

I often went to see him, for I couldn't get him out of my head; but he was always drunk. At last he couldn't stay there any longer, and disappeared, and then we heard that he was in Nordland, playing Hell among the rocks at Blaaholt. He helped himself to whatever he wanted at the nearest place he could find it, and knocked people down for nothing at all.

The King himself lives there, and they've got everything in the shops there." She arranged her shawl under their heads. "But that's Per Anker's son from Blaaholt!" cried Holm, when he had been standing a while on the quay and had caught sight of the man. "What, are you leaving the country?" "Yes, I've decided to do so," said the man, in an undertone, passing his hand over his face.

The King himself lives there, and they've got everything in the shops there." She arranged her shawl under their heads. "But that's Per Anker's son from Blaaholt!" cried Holm, when he had been standing a while on the quay and had caught sight of the man. "What, are you leaving the country?" "Yes, I've decided to do so," said the man, in an undertone, passing his hand over his face.