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Thus we can understand and in no other way as it seems to me the present condition and origin of the ornaments on the wing-feathers of the Argus pheasant. Mr. Gould several years ago pointed out to me a humming-bird, the Urosticte benjamini, remarkable for the curious differences between the sexes.

Gould, J., on migration of swifts; on the arrival of male snipes before the females; on the numerical proportion of the sexes in birds; on Neomorpha Grypus; on the species of Eustephanus; on the Australian musk-duck; on the relative size of the sexes in Briziura lobata and Cincloramphus cruralis; on Lobivanellus lobatus; on habits of Menura Alberti; on the rarity of song in brilliant birds; on Selasphorus platycerus; on the Bower-birds; on the ornamental plumage of the Humming-birds; on the moulting of the ptarmigan; on the display of plumage by the male Humming-birds; on the shyness of adorned male birds; on the decoration of the bowers of Bower-birds; on the decoration of their nest by Humming-birds; on variation in the genus Cynanthus; on the colour of the thighs in a male parrakeet; on Urosticte Benjamini; on the nidification of the Orioles; on obscurely-coloured birds building concealed nests; on trogons and king-fishers; on Australian parrots; on Australian pigeons; on the moulting of the ptarmigan; on the immature plumage of birds; on the Australian species of Turnix; on the young of Aithurus polytmus; on the colours of the bills of toucans; on the relative size of the sexes in the marsupials of Australia; on the colours of the Marsupials.

Uraniidae, coloration of the. Urodela. Urosticte Benjamini, sexual differences in. Use and disuse of parts, effects of; influence of, on the races of man. Uterus, reversion in the; more or less divided, in the human subject; double, in the early progenitors of man. Vaccination, influence of. Vancouver Island, Mr. Sproat on the savages of; natives of, eradication of facial hair by the.

Argyll, Duke of, on the physical weakness of man; the fashioning of implements peculiar to man; on the contest in man between right and wrong; on the primitive civilisation of man; on the plumage of the male Argus pheasant; on Urosticte Benjamini; on the nests of birds. Argynnis, colouring of the lower surface of. Aricoris epitus, sexual differences in the wings of.