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Her movements were so soft and gliding that the girl was half enchanted. "You still live with with the woman?" "M. Bellestre gave her the house. It is small, but big enough for us two. Yes, Mademoiselle. Thank you," as she placed the letter in Jeanne's hand, and received in return an enchanting smile. With a courtesy she left the room, and walked slowly down the path, trying to think.

Jeanne Angelot would need a wider life than this, and, if unduly narrowed, would spring over the traces. "You think M. Bellestre means to come?" "He has put it off to next year now. There is so much unrest and uncertainty all over the country, that at present he cannot leave his business." St. Armand sighed softly, thinking of Jeanne. "Would you show the clothes and the trinkets?"

He did not quite understand why M. Bellestre should be so opposed to the Church taking charge of the child, since she was not in the hands of any relative. But he had promised Pani she should not be separated from her, indeed, no one had a better right to her, he felt.

The Bellestres were Huguenots, but Madame had a leaning toward the Church and the child was baptized. Madame Bellestre, who was a lovely woman, deferred to her husband until she was dying, when Father Rameau was sent for and she acknowledged that she died in the holy faith. There was some talk about the child, but M. Bellestre claimed it and cares for it.