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So that you have here an extremely complex and beautifully-proportioned machine, with all its parts working harmoniously together towards one common object the preservation of the life of the animal.

Through the politeness of a gentleman who possesses half the street, I went over some of the houses, which are extremely spacious, and contain beautifully-proportioned rooms richly ornamented with carving and moulding. In what was formerly Mountjoy House I found a dining-room whose cornices and ceilings were of the most elegant design and execution. This house had seen many curious scenes.

So that you have here an extremely complex and beautifully-proportioned machine, with all its parts working harmoniously together towards one common object the preservation of the life of the animal.

The frescoes round the beautifully-proportioned entrance portal, being on an inside wall, are in a state of better preservation than the rest, and the colours brighter. They represent "The Signs of the Destruction of the World." For imaginative power they can be compared only with the woodcuts of Albrecht Dürer's "Apocalypse."

So that you have here an extremely complex and beautifully-proportioned machine, with all its parts working harmoniously together towards one common object the preservation of the life of the animal.

I can see her now as I saw her then tall, and slender, with masses of golden hair, waved artistically aside from a low forehead of snowy white; finely-pencilled brows, and long eyes of the most lustrous violet; a straight, delicately-moulded nose, a firm, beautifully-proportioned chin, and a bewitching mouth.