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"Oh, Piers is stuffed tight with gunpowder as everybody knows. He explodes at a touch. Get along, Barchard! What are you waiting for? I told you to take the hounds home." Barchard looked at the Colonel. "I suppose you'd better," the latter said. He threw a glance of displeasure at Avery. "It's a most unheard of affair altogether, but I admit there's not much to be said for a kill in cold blood.

"Let a woman interfere? Great Heavens above, Barchard! Have you gone mad?" Barchard the huntsman glanced round uneasily as an old man on a powerful white horse forced his way to the front. His grey eyes glowered down at Avery as though he would slay her. The trampling hoofs came within a yard of her. But if he thought to make her desert her post by that means, he was mistaken.

She wondered what the next move would be, and felt utterly powerless to put forth any further effort. And then she heard Ina Rose's clear young voice. "Barchard, take the hounds back to kennels! I'm sure we've all had enough for one day." "Hear, hear!" said a man in the crowd. And Ina laughed. "Thank you, Dick! Come along, Dad! Leave the horrid old fox alone!

Yes, take 'em home!" Barchard made a savage cut at two of the hounds who were scratching and whimpering at a tiny chink in the boarding, and with surly threats collected the pack and moved off. The rest of the field melted away into the deepening dusk. Ina and Dick Guyes were among the last to go. They moved off side by side.