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By them I was placed for education in the Irish Convent, Rue du Bacq, Faubourg St. Germain, at Paris, where the immortal Sacchini, the instructor of the Queen, gave me lessons in music.

By them I was placed for education in the Irish Convent, Rue du Bacq, Faubourg St. Germain, at Paris, where the immortal Sacchini, the instructor of the Queen, gave me lessons in music.

I got to Paris on the last day of the year 1761, and I left the coach at the house in the Rue du Bacq, where my good angel Madame d'Urfe had arranged me a suite of rooms with the utmost elegance. I spent three weeks in these rooms without going anywhere, in order to convince the worthy lady that I had only returned to Paris to keep my word to her, and make her be born again a man.

I got to Paris on the last day of the year 1761, and I left the coach at the house in the Rue du Bacq, where my good angel Madame d'Urfe had arranged me a suite of rooms with the utmost elegance. I spent three weeks in these rooms without going anywhere, in order to convince the worthy lady that I had only returned to Paris to keep my word to her, and make her be born again a man.

16. du Marais, Rue Culture Ste. Catherine. 17. de la Cite, vis-a-vis le Palais de Justice. 18. des Victoires, Rue du Bacq. 19. de Moliere, Rue St. Martin. 20. de l'Estrapade. 21. de Mareux, Rue St. Antoine. 22. des Aveugles, Rue St. Denis. 23. de la Rue St. Jean de Beauvais. Bal masque de l'Opera, Rue de la Loi. 25. de l'Opera Buffa, Rue de la Victoire.

By them I was placed for education in the Irish Convent, Rue du Bacq, Faubourg St. Germain, at Paris, where the immortal Sacchini, the instructor of the Queen, gave me lessons in music.