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"These men are already acquainted with each of you, but you do not as yet know them. I present Fodan, Chief of the Five of Norlamin. Rovol, about whom you know. Astron, the First of Energy. Satrazon, the First of Chemistry." Orlon fell in beside Seaton and the party turned toward the observatory. As they walked along the Earth-people stared, held by the unearthly beauty of the grounds.

R. S. Phil. Trans., 1774. Ibid, 1783. Observations on the Spots on the Sun, etc., 4 degrees; London and Edinburgh, 1863. Periodicitat der Sonnenflecken. Astron. Nach. R.S. Phil. Trans. "Researches on Solar Physics," by De la Rue, Stewart and Loewy; R. S. Phil. Trans., 1869, 1870. "The Sun as Photographed on the K line"; Knowledge, London, 1903, p. 229. R. S. Proc., xv., 1867, p. 256.

Disaster literally means such a misfortune as would be caused by adverse stars, and comes from the Greek word for star, astron, and the Latin dis. The words jovial and mercurial, used to describe people of merry and lively temper, are metaphors of the same kind.

It also has occurred to me that Caslor of Mechanism, Astron of Energy, Satrazon of Chemistry, myself, and one of two others, should collaborate in installing a very complete fifth-order projector in the new Skylark, as well as any other equipment which may seem desirable.