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They have heard this all their lives, but always laugh at it with the same heartiness. Why, Shedad, son of Amroo, continued Baroni to an Arab near him, 'you have listened to this ever since you first tasted liban, and it still pleases you! 'I am never wearied with listening to fine language, said the Bedouin; 'perfumes are always sweet, though you may have smelt them a thousand times.

'Tis the fifth day of the fever, and Shedad, the son of Amroo, tells me that the sixth will be fatal unless we can give him the gall of a phoenix, and such a bird is not to be found in this part of Arabia.

This is why the sons of Hamar are watering their flocks by the well of Jumda. In the meantime, the caravan, of which the four horsemen were the advanced guard, issued from the pass into the plain. 'Shedad, son of Amroo, exclaimed one of the Bedouins, 'what! have you captured an harem? For he beheld dromedaries and veiled women.

The four horsemen were surrounded by their brethren; but one of them, giving and returning blessings, darted forward to the pavilion of the great Sheikh. 'Have you brought camels, Shedad, son of Amroo? inquired one of the welcomers to the welcomed. 'We have been to El Khuds, was the reply. 'What we have brought back is a seal of Solomon.