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The habitants of the east were now as free as the farmers of the west. The seigniors themselves largely benefited by the capitalization in money of their old rights, and by the untrammelled possession of land held en franc aleu roturier.

We meet with other forms of tenure in the partition of land in the days of the French régime for instance, franc aleu noble and franc aumone or mortmain, but these were exceptional grants to charitable, educational, or religious institutions, and were subject to none of the ordinary obligations of the feudal tenure, but required, as in the latter case, only the performance of certain devotional or other duties which fell within their special sphere.

Some grants were also given in franc aleu roturier, equivalent to the English tenure of free and common socage, and were generally made for special objects. The seigneur, on his accession to the estate, was required to pay homage to the king, or to his feudal superior from whom he derived his lands.

Measures were first passed better to facilitate the optional commutation of the tenure of lands en roture into that of franc aleu roturier, but they never achieved any satisfactory results. LaFontaine did not deny the necessity for a radical change in the system, but he was too much wedded to the old institutions of his native province to take the initiative for its entire removal. Mr.