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In high jumping, Patrick Davin, P. Leahy, and Peter O'Connor were for long in the foremost rank; Daniel Ahearne was famous for his hop-step-and-jump performance; Maurice Davin, Matthew McGrath, and Patrick Ryan have, each in his own day, thrown the 16-pound hammer to record distance; in shot-putting there are Sheridan, Horgan, John Flanagan, and others bearing true Irish names, who are right in front; and before their time we had a redoubted champion in W.J.M. Barry.

We also find that if we extend our purview to include all kinds of records for physical achievement, that not a few of the amateur records for activities involving strength combined with rapid rhythm movement are held by young men of twenty or even less. Most marked of all perhaps is the great advance in throwing the 16-pound hammer.

The following events are contested for: 60-metre run 100-metre run 200-metre run 400-metre run 800-metre run 1500-metre run 110-metre hurdles 200-metre hurdles 400-metre hurdles 3200-metre steeplechase 2500-metre steeplechase 4000-metre steeplechase Running long jump Running high jump Running triple jump Standing broad jump Standing high jump Standing triple jump Pole vault Shot put Discus throwing Throwing 16-pound hammer Throwing 56-pound weight Marathon race Weight lifting, one hand Weight lifting, two hands Dumb-bell competition Tug-of-war Team race Team race 3 miles Five-mile run Throwing stone Throwing javelin Throwing javelin held in middle Penthathlon 1500-metre walk 3500-metre walk 10-mile walk Throwing discus Greek style

Throwing 16-pound hammer. J. S. Mitchell, at Travers Island, N. Y., October 8, 1892, made a record-throw of 145 feet 3/4 inch. Putting 16-pound Shot. George R. Gray, at Chicago, September 16, 1893, made the record of 47 feet. Throwing 50-pound Weight.