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Why doubt my heart, why doubt my love, Why doubt my devotion’s faith and strength? Why now these thoughts that give but pang, Why this suspicion all at once? Dein Vater ach! nach Schätzen geizt er nur. . . Und Senta, Du! Wie dürft’ auf Dich ich zählen? Erfülltest Du nur eine meiner Bitten? Kränkst Du mein Herz nicht jeden Tag?

The latter volunteers to kill the calf, which is now ready to lap the water. The water is willing to put out the fire, the fire to burn the stick, the stick to beat the dog, the dog to bite the boy, the boy to shake the tree, so the pears consent to fall. Die drei Schläfer. Die Stadt Bonn ist eine schöne Stadt, die Stadt Bonn ist auch eine alte Stadt, und die Stadt Bonn steht am Rhein.

Gladly she gives her fond heart to me, And ended is now my misery. Euch soll dies Bündniss nicht gereu’n! Zum Fest! heut muss sich Alles freu’n! May happiness forev’r be your part! To the feast now with joyous heart! Steuermann, lass die Wacht! Steuermann, her zu uns! He! He! Je! Ha! Hebt die Segel auf! Anker fest! Steuermann, her!

So finde ich in Blount's »Glossographia, or a Dictionary interpreting the hard words of whatsoever language now used in our refined English tongue ... very useful for all such as desire to understand what they read«, 1681 erschienen: »Dril: Werkzeug eines Steinarbeiters, womit er kleine Löcher in Marmor bohrt etc.

Do not evade me now, For great it is my grief, But one word more, then go! Let me ask, and answer give: When this heart strong comfort needs, Will it Senta be who for me pleads? Wie? zweifelst Du an meinem Herzen? Du zweifelst, ob ich gut Dir bin? Doch sag’, was weckt Dir solche Schmerzen? Was trübt mit Argwohn Deinen Sinn?

Und das Wort, das der Dichter seinem WeltensangHeurekazum Geleite gab, gilt auch für diese Klänge: „They cannot die: or if by any means they be now trodden down, so that they die, they will rise again to the life eternal.“

My ship is sound, and wind and tempest proof. Storm and adverse wind, in league, Keep me away from the shore; How long? How should I know it still, When count I keep not any more? I cannot tell the scenes I saw, Nor name the ports I sought to reach; The only scene I long to see, I cannot find my native beach! And now, my friend, come take me home, Give me shelter and give me rest.

Franville. O Lamure, the happiness my dogs had When I kept house at home! They had a storehouse, A storehouse of most blessed bones and crusts, Happy crusts. Oh, how sharp hunger pinches me! Franville. How now, what news? Morillat. Hast any meat yet? Franville.

I leave thee now alone, my child, To speak to him as bids thy heart; I trust in thee, my darling child Think how happy will be our part. Wie aus der Ferne längst vergang’ner Zeiten Spricht dieses Mädchens Bild zu mir; Wie ich geträumt seit langen Ewigkeiten, Vor meinen Augen seh’ ich’s hier.

So sagt Jackson in seinem Account p. 190: "they call it the great disease and it had now spread itself into so many varieties, that I am persuaded, there is scarcely a moor in Barbary who has not more or less of the virus in his blood."