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She was trying to smile to be her usual composed self. "I couldn't come to Wyndfell Hall," he said abruptly, "for a reason which you will soon know. But I had to see you, and, by a bit of luck, I suddenly remembered this splendid old church. I passed by here once on a walking tour, years and years ago.

But Donnington had stayed on downstairs, absorbed in a curious, privately printed book containing the history of Wyndfell Hall. Suddenly his eyes fell on the following passage: "Every piece of the furniture in 'the White Parlour, as it is still called, is of historic value and interest. To take but one example.

For instance, the strange series of happenings that had just taken place here, at Wyndfell Hall, had thoroughly upset her; and as for the horrible thing that had occurred yesterday, she hadn't been able to sleep all night for thinking of it. Nothing that had ever happened in her now long life had had quite the effect on Blanche Farrow that Bubbles' accident had had.

Gifford I'd have sold the shirt off my back for him and I think I may say he'd have done the same for me." Mark Gifford, cautious man though he was, took a sudden resolution. "If you can spare the time," he exclaimed, "I wonder, Dr. Panton, if you would go back to Wyndfell Hall to-day? It would be an act of true kindness to Miss Farrow.