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Updated: August 23, 2024

Gadifer and his companions showed no signs of fear, and succeeded in putting their enemies to flight; by the evening they were able to regain their vessel, carrying away four of the native women as prisoners. The next day Gadifer left the island and went to the Gran Canaria island anchoring in a large harbour lying between Telde and Argonney.

Nothing could be weirder than the effect of the scene in clear moonlight: the contrast of snowy beams and sable ground perfectly suited the uncanny look and the weird legends of the site. Beyond the Cima we made the gay little town of Telde, which lodges some 4,000 souls, entering it by a wide fiumara, over which a bridge was then building.

At last they reached the port of Telde, but as it was nearly dark and a strong wind blowing they dared not land, and they went on to the little town of Aginmez, where they remained eleven days at anchor; the natives, encouraged by their king, laid an ambush for Gadifer and his followers; there was a skirmish, blood was shed, and the Castilians, feeling themselves outnumbered, went to Telde for two days, and thence to Lancerota.

They reape wheat in February, and againe in May, which is excellent good, and maketh bread as white as snow. This Iland hath in it other three townes, the one called Telde, the second Galder, and the third Guia. It groweth two yeeres before the yeelding of profit, and not sixe moneths, as Andrew Theuet the French man writeth.

This savant, whose name has become well known in Paris, is printing at Las Palmas his 'Estudios Historicos, &c., the outcome of a life's labour. Don Agustin Millares is also publishing 'La Historia de las Islas Canarias, in three volumes, each of 400 to 450 pages. I made three short excursions in Grand Canary to Telde, to the Caldera, and to Doramas, which showed me the formation of the island.

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