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"It is cracked; I hear her trying out of her window a schrecklich. English ballad, called 'De Rose upon de Balgony." "Saufen and singen go not together," observed Fritz with the red nose, who evidently preferred the former amusement. "No, thou shalt take none of her tickets. She won money at the trente and quarante last night. I saw her: she made a little English boy play for her.

Saufen Bier und Brantewein, Schmeissen alle die Fenstern ein; Ich bin liederlich, Du bist liederlich; Sind wir nicht liederlich Leute a? 'Well said, my hearty Captain! cried Glossin, endeavouring to catch the tone of revelry, 'Gin by pailfuls, wine in rivers, Dash the window-glass to shivers!

Saufen Bier und Brantewein, Schmeissen alle die Fenstern ein; Ich bin liederlich, Du bist liederlich; Sind wir nicht liederlich Leute a? 'Well said, my hearty Captain! cried Glossin, endeavouring to catch the tone of revelry, 'Gin by pailfuls, wine in rivers, Dash the window-glass to shivers!

It is called "Lama," the shine, the loom, in Al-Hariri. The world is compared with the mirage, the painted eye and the sword that breaks in the sworder's hand. "Walgh," a strong expression primarily denoting the lapping of dogs; here and elsewhere "to swill, saufen." It is a stock comparison.

"Saufen Bier, und Brante-wein, Schmeissens alle die Fenstern ein; lch ben liederlich, Du bist liederlich; Sind wir nicht liederlich Leute a!" "Well said, my hearty Captain!" cried Glossin, endeavouring to catch the tone of revelry "Gin by pailfuls, wine in rivers, Dash the window-glass to shivers!

Saufen Bier und Brantewein, Schmeissen alle die Fenstern ein; Ich bin liederlich, Du bist liederlich; Sind wir nicht liederlich Leute a? 'Well said, my hearty Captain! cried Glossin, endeavouring to catch the tone of revelry, 'Gin by pailfuls, wine in rivers, Dash the window-glass to shivers!