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Mix together yellow, pink, and white lead. This colour is only proper for distemper. Mix together realgar and orpiment; some object to this mixture on account of the poisonous nature of the ingredients. The same colour can be obtained by mixing yellow-pink with Naples yellow; but it is then only fit for distemper. For this colour mix red lead and yellow ochre.

A squirming, crawling mass of poisonous worms, centipedes, toads and tadpoles, who all fell into the jar of water. Then his wife untied him, carried him to bed, and gave him wine mingled with realgar to drink. Then he recovered.

Make, by mixing vermillion, or red lead, with black or blue, and a small portion of white: vermillion is far preferable to red lead, in mixing this colour. Made by mixing dark-red with violet-colour. Mix together lake colour and white. This is procured by mixing massicot, or Naples yellow, with a small quantity of realgar, and a very little Spanish white.

These Indians make use of Lead-Ore, to paint their Faces withal, which they get in the neighbouring Mountains. As for the refining of Metals, the Indians are wholly ignorant of it, being content with the Realgar.

It occurs as metallic arsenic, which is of a steel-grey colour, brittle, and gives off a garlic-like odour when heated; as arsenious acid; in the form of two sulphides the red sulphide, or realgar, and the yellow sulphide, or orpiment; and as arsenite of copper, or Scheele's green. It also exists as an impurity in the ores of several metals iron, copper, silver, tin, zinc, nickel, and cobalt.